Welcome to Maresphotos

This site is dedicated to Marianne Foster, the most wonderful woman I know… (that’s why I asked her to marry me and was amazed when she said yes). Words can never express how much she means to me, and how incredibly fortunate I am to share my life with such a talented, beautiful woman. Like many men, I often fail to show her just how much she means to me. It saddens me to admit it, but there have been times when by my actions I indicated the opposite.
This site is intended in part to be a permanent on-line love letter to Marianne, who has put up with more than I could ever have asked or expected. I am truly blessed to have shared our time together so far, and I hope and pray that we will continue to to share our lives for many years to come.

Maresphotos is migrating to WordPress

After some annoyances with our hosting provider, we decided to migrate from Joomla to WordPress. It’s not that Joomla is bad, but because of time and server limitations it required more attention than we were able to give it. WordPress, while not as fully featured, is perfectly capable of doing what we need.


Visit our friends at Photowalkthrough.com

If like us you enjoy digital photography and have ever experimented with image manipulation you might want to take a look at PhotoWalkthrough.com where John Arnold (a friend of ours) posts video tutorials showing how to achieve some really great effects.

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